A mirror for Retno! – demonstration Peace Palace friday 23.02.2024
The demo team of the RMS government-in-exile protests under the slogan 'Retno! a mirror for Retno, on Friday, February 23, 2024 in front of the International Court of Justice (Vredespaleis) in The Hague against the Indonesian occupation of the territory of the...
Amnesty International Indonesia director calls for immediate release of Antonius Latumutuany
In the trial of Antonius Latumutuany in Masohi, Usman Hamid (director of Amnesty International Indonesia) submitted a written statement on Oct. 23, 2023. He had been asked by lawyer Semuel Waileruny to act as one of the expert witnesses for Latumutuany. His witness...
Letter of felicitation regarding independence Republic Vanuatu
Foto’s volgen zo spoedig. 0200729.letter.felicitation.independencevanuatu.pdf
Letter to Dr. Josep Borrell Fontelles (European Union)
Following the letter to EU ambassador Vincent Piket, the RMS government-in-exile gives notice to Dr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security and Vice-President of the European Commission, that the CEPA treaty cannot apply to...
Letter to EU ambassador regarding CEPA treaty
In the letter to Mr. Vincent Piket, EU ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, the RMS government makes an official statement that the CEPA treaty, the trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia, cannot apply to illegally occupied RMS territory. Dutch version...
UPDATE: 4 more Moluccans arrested without any reason
4 more Moluccans arrested without any reason: Janni Josapat Workala Marlon Lesilolo Maurits Workala Pieter Likumahua After being arrested on 7 April, Alexander Dominggus Workala currently is nowhere to be found. He is not at the local police stations and his...
NEWS/BERITA: Alexander Dominggus Workala (37) arrested/ditangkap
As part of a campaign to keep oppressing the Moluccan people, Dominggus Workala (37) was arrested by heavily armed Indonesian militaries today in Piru, West Seram, only for the possession of a RMS flag. Events like this clearly illustrate that Indonesia disrespects...
RMS government supports the desire of the Kanaks, the indigenous people of New Caledonian, for independence.
De regering van de Republik Maluku Selatan ondersteunt de wens van de Kanaken, de inheemse bevolking in New Caledonian, naar onafhankelijkheid [pdf-embedder...