A mirror for Retno! – demonstration Peace Palace friday 23.02.2024

12 February 2024

The demo team of the RMS government-in-exile protests under the slogan ‘Retno! a mirror for Retno, on Friday, February 23, 2024 in front of the International Court of Justice (Vredespaleis) in The Hague against the Indonesian occupation of the territory of the Republik Maluku Selatan.

With the demonstration, the RMS government and thus the demo team is not taking sides for or against Israel or for or against Palestine. We speak out against the great hypocrisy of the state of Indonesia and Retno Marsudi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who represents it in The Hague.

Retno Marsudi will speak out against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and present arguments as to why under international law the rights of Palestinians are grossly violated. Despite the fact that the Israeli occupation has continued for more than 70 years, Marsudi believes that the Palestinians’ right to independence still exists. After all, this independence does not expire. She calls the annexation of the Palestinian territories illegal and calls on the occupier to stop its illegal actions. Retno Marsudi’s line of thought is logical and correct.

Retno Marsudi forgets that in 1950 the Republik Indonesia attacked the free and independent state of Republik Maluku Selatan to enforce the unitary state. Since that year, the territory has been taken and the people of the South Moluccas have been subjugated to Indonesia. This annexation is illegal under international law and international law. Even after an occupation that has continued for nearly 74 years. . Retno Marsudi, on behalf of the Republik Indonesia, is a supporter of the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We believe that this two-state solution for the RI conflict with the Republik Maluku Selatan also applies.

The right of the South Moluccan Republic is inalienable and with this right to South Moluccan independence we want to confront Retno Marsudi in front of the international world and hold up a mirror to her and Indonesia.


Demonstration ‘Retno! Katja Diri!”, a mirror for Retno

From 10:30 a.m. Run-in, Vredespaleis, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague.
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Program, with speakers, singing and music
12:10 am to 12:40 pm Noise session as Retno Marsudi makes a statement on behalf of the RI

At the demonstration, with tifas, singing and speeches, and with the many RMS flags, we will call the attention of the international world to the injustice done to the South Moluccan people for more than seven decades.

We are counting on a large turnout to make our voices heard on Friday, Feb. 23. The Republik Indonesia considers the exercise of the right to free political expression of RMS people as state subversion and a serious crime that follows imprisonment. We can and do make maximum use of our freedom.